Benefits of selling your home in the winter months:

December 9, 2019 | 1 min read | Owning a home

1.) Less competition/fewer sellers

2.) Buyers who buy in the winter are typically working against a deadline and mean business.

3.) More people have time off during the holidays, with more time to browse for homes and visit open houses

If you are selling your home in the winter, make sure you keep the décor simple!

  • Scale back on the decorations. It could be distracting to buyers, and some of them may not be able to “see past them.”
  • Give each room a “warm touch” with a throw blanket over an armchair or a quilted blanket at the foot of the bed
  • Emphasize entertaining possibilities of your home
  • Don’t block or cover up important selling features of your home
  • Make your home feel as warm and comforting as possible
  • Use smaller decorations and fewer decorations to make your home feel more spacious