Leading Full Service
Mortgage Specialist

Privately owned and independent, GuardHill has served individuals and the real estate industry for 3 decades. We focus just on mortgage financing by providing superior mortgage service and mortgage products.

We work hard for you!

Why GuardHill?

Ability to issue
24-hour approvals

Capable of 30-day closings

Superior service

See why our customers trust GuardHill!

GuardHill is a star in the mortgage industry

Mortgages made easy at amazing rates

Thrilled to recommend and experience working with GuardHill

Strongly recommend for thoughtfulness, care, and responsiveness

You'll actually enjoy your refi experience, really!

Second loan and coming back for more

Lightning fast, considerate and professional

More options than a retail bank

GuardHill’s unique product range allows us to structure standard to complex solutions with competitive rates for our customers. As mortgage experts, we understand that one size does not fit all. That’s why we offer loan programs ranging from condo & co-op loans, jumbo loans, non-QM loans, Foreign National loans, and more.