Common Mortgage Terms to Know

Terms used when discussing mortgages such as amortization, equity, and margin, may easily confuse people as they are not terms used every day. Here are some of the most common mortgage terms that are important to learn to understand the home buying process better. Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)  A mortgage with an interest rate and payments that […]

Wendy Huang Awarded

Click here to view the official video! Wendy Huang was Awarded the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award for 2018 The Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Awards Gala Dinner was first established in 2001 by the Asian American Business Development Center, which has remained the most prestigious forum to highlight the achievements of Asian Americans business professionals across the U.S. […]

Patti Frank Explains – Why Choose GuardHill Financial Corp.

by Chris The Ever-Changing Hamptons Real Estate Landscape: A Buyers And Sellers Guide To Today’s Market In the ever-changing Hamptons real estate landscape, there is no substitute for experience and in-depth knowledge of today’s market. Finding a real estate team with a combination of local awareness, understanding of the marketplace, honesty, and integrity is […]

The Real Deal’s Annual U.S. Real Estate Showcase & Forum in Shanghai, China

Wendy Huang, Director of the International Division at GuardHill Financial, participated as a panelist at The Real Deal’s third annual real estate showcase & forum in Shanghai, China. This event is one of the largest and most prestigious real estate events and investment forum that attracts some of the most pronounced developers, brokers, and investors from […]

GuardHill’s Stephen Rybak Quoted in Article

“The mortgage process is so convoluted,” says Stephen Rybak, a senior managing director at GuardHill Financial Corp. “Nine out of 10 lenders is offering the same rates. We’re here to take care of people and make the process easy.” Click here to read the article.

June Richardson Talks Niche Products with CNBC

Richardson’s gamut of options still includes interest-only loans that might be right for people who earn a low base salary and periodic bonuses and even adjustable-rate mortgages that fluctuate every month, something Richardson says may be best suited to borrowers who can pay off the mortgage if payments rise too high. Unlike Wells Fargo or […]

Another residential loan wave swells in NYC

GuardHill’s Niche Financing to Foreign Nationals Nonbank mortgage companies are also taking advantage of the lending opportunities in New York City. Alan Rosenbaum, CEO of Manhattan-based mortgage company and brokerage GuardHill Financial, said the company has seen a major increase in loan volume in the past year.  He noted that the firm has specifically targeted foreign buyers […]

Working with Chinese Buyers and Investors

Wendy Huang, director of GuardHill’s International Mortgage Division, was invited to be a guest speaker on behalf of our firm at The Real Deal’s second annual U.S. Real Estate Showcase & Forum in Shanghai. Thousands of real estate professionals and wealthy investors attended the event from Nov. 17-19, which was held at the Jing An […]

What Top Real Estate Professionals Should Know

By Alan Rosenbaum, CEO/Founder Did you know that mortgage financing is easier now than ever if you use the right mortgage company? Most real estate professionals prefer all-cash borrowers because they are concerned customers who want a mortgage may be turned down by a bank. Did you know that if we approve the customer and […]

Essential Mortgage Tips for Realtors and Their Buyers

By Alan Rosenbaum, CEO/Founder Realtors and homeowners need mortgage professionals who can assist them in getting the tough deals done.  Any mortgage company can assist qualified wealthy US citizens looking to buy in an established co-op or townhouse.  But when it comes to condos, foreign buyers, and investors, buyers and realtors need to know who […]